Brows 101

Your face will never be complete without your brows. Eyebrows are very important facial features as they frame and help provide balance to our face. Full, well-shaped brows may provide a youthful look while sexy arched brows would be perfect for a more matured look.

Even without eye makeup, well-groomed brows are a must. I personally have sparse brows, and it used to be a challenge to have nice luxurious brows until I learned the basics and practiced on it everyday.

First, you’ll need a good brow brush–my favorite is Marionnaud’s angled brow brush with a spoolie on the other end. Second, of course, you’ll be needing a brow kit. While others would like to use eyebrow pencils to fill in their brows, I prefer using brow kits as they appear to look more natural.

Whatever face shape you have, this tip will work for anyone:

  • The spoolie brush is a great tool when you’re filling in the brow. First, brush up the brows to see their true shape and thickness
  • If you find strays, tweeze them or trim with scissors
  • Fill in any sparseness using mini, featherlike strokes instead of strong lines–make sure to follow your own brow shape, and go lightly
  • Brush again with spoolie to diffuse the strokes and create a more natural brows
  • Creating full, well-shaped brows is buildable–you can start light and go back with more strokes if you want a stronger, more defined brows
  • Seal with a brow gel or clear mascara to keep your brows in shape and make it last throughout the day

Here’s the basics on how to arch your brows:

  1. To determine where the brow should begin, imagine a straight line from the outside edge of your nose up to the inside corner of your eye. The inner corner of the brow should begin along this line.
  2. Next, angle the straight edge so that it lines up with the outermost edge of your nose and the middle of your pupil–that’s how you’ll get you arch.
  3. Lastly, angle the straight edge further so that it touches the outermost edge of your nose and also passes along the outermost edge of your eye . This tells you where the eyebrow should end.

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